Osho, I am Homosexual. What should I do About it?
Ramo, It is good that you have confessed it. It is good that you are truthful about it. It is good that you are not hiding it, because whenever you expose yourself in totality, it is the beginning of a transformation. Don't be worried. One has to go beyond sex one day, whether it is homosexuality or heterosexuality or bisexuality -- it does not matter much. Sex is sex, these are only preferences, differences of liking. Don't feel much guilty about it, and this is not your fault.
Homosexuality has come into existence because of repressive measures, because of repressive moralities, because of thousands of years of separating man and woman into separate camps. In the colleges, in the schools, in the army, in the monasteries -- everywhere men and women are kept apart. The natural outcome is going to be homosexualism, lesbianism, because the natural energy will try to find out some outlet.
Homosexuality is a byproduct of your so-called religions. The first homosexual must have been born in a monastery, that is almost certain. We don't know his name, but a memorial should be made dedicated to the unknown -- the first homosexual. He must have been a monk.
It is a well known fact that Christian monasteries, Buddhist monasteries have been full of homosexuality. It was bound to happen because you don't give them the science of transcending sex, and you simply tell them to repress the energy. Now the energy starts moving into perverted ways.
And don't take offense at the word perversion. It simply means unnatural, it simply means not as it was prescribed by the biology. The biological route is heterosexual. If you prevent it... It is like a small stream is flowing: you put a rock in its way, it will start flowing from some other side, it will go by passing the rock, it will become two streams instead of one. You can go on preventing it and it will go on splitting into many streams. It will find out some way. It has a source of water that has to be taken to the ocean.
Don't be worried about it, because worrying won't help. Accept it. Just as repression has created it, a deep acceptance can dissolve it. Accept it. You are a victim of a thousands of years conditioning.
Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another, "What! You too? I thought I was the only one."
People go on hiding it, but sooner or later you have to find out somebody, and there are ways how homosexuals indicate. They walk differently -- they may not say, but they walk differently. They look differently, they talk differently, their gestures are different, and other homosexuals immediately understand the language. And it is not a small minority, remember. Ten percent people all over the world are homosexuals. Out of ten, one person is a homosexual; it is a big number. And this is increasing every day, because the women's liberation movement is creating lesbianism. "Why depend on men, even for love? Sisterhood is beautiful. Love your sisters." The natural outcome will be that many brothers will be left alone.
The new bride, frustrated by her groom's indifference, could not contain herself anymore. "Listen," she said, "if you are gonna keep on reading these newspapers, I am going downtown to get myself a man."
"Far out!" he said. "Would you get me one too?"
A homo and a hetero went into the desert.
"Ah," said the horny hetero, "even if there was a fly here, I could screw it."
"Z-z-z-z," replied the homo.
In a bar two homosexuals are drinking their martinis with chips and olives. Suddenly one of them pricks his lip with the toothpick. At the sight of the blood he exclaims, "Ah, my, I have got my period."
A little bit perverted, but so what. Nothing to be worried, Ramo. Accept it. My fundamental principle is acceptance -- tathata. Whatsoever is the situation, you accept it. From there things can begin. Don't reject it. It is out of rejection that the problem has arisen, so only with acceptance... Relax into it and you will be surprised. If you can accept it without any guilt, slowly slowly your homosexuality will turn into heterosexuality again. Why? -- because guilt is also a religious phenomenon, and homosexuality too.
They are joined together, they are tied together. If you go on feeling guilty, you will remain homosexual. Drop the guilt, accept it. Nothing is wrong, just you are carrying the whole ugly past of humanity. What can you do? You have come a little late, people have preceded before. They have dirtied the whole beach. So we have to clean it.
But what is the point of crying and weeping and feeling guilty? There is no need to waste energies in that. Accept it with no guilt at all. And with the disappearance of the guilt you will be surprised: if you are a Christian your Christianity disappears; if you are a Jew your Judaism disappears; if you are a Hindu your Hinduism disappears. This is really a miracle: when the guilt is dropped your religions disappear. And when religions disappear you become a far more natural being. You can start seeing things clearly. In fact, what you are seeking into the other man, you cannot find in him. There will be frustration. What the other man is trying to find in you, he cannot find in you; there will be frustration.
Friendship is possible, but love is not possible, and friendship and love are different dimensions. Friendship has its own beauty. Love needs polar opposites, only then there is attraction, only then there is tension enough. Love needs a subtle dialectics, it is a process of dialectics. The man and woman relationship is a dialectical process full of hazards, adventures, fights. It is a kind of intimate enmity. In the morning the fight, in the evening the love, in the morning again the fight, and it goes on moving from one polarity to the other.
But this is how it keeps itself alive. It is Hegelian dialectics: thesis, antithesis, synthesis, and again synthesis becomes the thesis. Just the other night you had reached to a treaty, a peaceful state, and in the morning it disappears. And you were thinking, "Now, things are going smooth." But from the same point, in the morning the argument starts, and by the evening the same point leads you to lovemaking.
In fact, unless you fight before, you will not be able to make love really, tremendously. A good fight before making love gives you zest, gusto -- just a good fight and you become hot; otherwise, civilized people have become cool. Just a good fight -- shouting, throwing things, exchange of pillows, and then relaxing into each other in the warmth of each other. The fight creates the distance. The farther away you are -- it is a kind of mini-divorce, then comes a mini-honeymoon.
It can't happen in a homosexual relationship. That's why homosexuals are called gay; there is no dialectics, they are always smiling. But their smile seems to be shallow; it cannot be very deep. They are smiling because there is not any possibility of tears, and they understand each other. They are both men or both women, so they understand each other. With understanding there is no fight. A man and woman never understand each other, they cannot. If they understand, immediately all is finished, they both have become Buddhas.
Ramo, It is good that you have confessed it. It is good that you are truthful about it. It is good that you are not hiding it, because whenever you expose yourself in totality, it is the beginning of a transformation. Don't be worried. One has to go beyond sex one day, whether it is homosexuality or heterosexuality or bisexuality -- it does not matter much. Sex is sex, these are only preferences, differences of liking. Don't feel much guilty about it, and this is not your fault.
Homosexuality has come into existence because of repressive measures, because of repressive moralities, because of thousands of years of separating man and woman into separate camps. In the colleges, in the schools, in the army, in the monasteries -- everywhere men and women are kept apart. The natural outcome is going to be homosexualism, lesbianism, because the natural energy will try to find out some outlet.
Homosexuality is a byproduct of your so-called religions. The first homosexual must have been born in a monastery, that is almost certain. We don't know his name, but a memorial should be made dedicated to the unknown -- the first homosexual. He must have been a monk.
It is a well known fact that Christian monasteries, Buddhist monasteries have been full of homosexuality. It was bound to happen because you don't give them the science of transcending sex, and you simply tell them to repress the energy. Now the energy starts moving into perverted ways.
And don't take offense at the word perversion. It simply means unnatural, it simply means not as it was prescribed by the biology. The biological route is heterosexual. If you prevent it... It is like a small stream is flowing: you put a rock in its way, it will start flowing from some other side, it will go by passing the rock, it will become two streams instead of one. You can go on preventing it and it will go on splitting into many streams. It will find out some way. It has a source of water that has to be taken to the ocean.
Don't be worried about it, because worrying won't help. Accept it. Just as repression has created it, a deep acceptance can dissolve it. Accept it. You are a victim of a thousands of years conditioning.
Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another, "What! You too? I thought I was the only one."
People go on hiding it, but sooner or later you have to find out somebody, and there are ways how homosexuals indicate. They walk differently -- they may not say, but they walk differently. They look differently, they talk differently, their gestures are different, and other homosexuals immediately understand the language. And it is not a small minority, remember. Ten percent people all over the world are homosexuals. Out of ten, one person is a homosexual; it is a big number. And this is increasing every day, because the women's liberation movement is creating lesbianism. "Why depend on men, even for love? Sisterhood is beautiful. Love your sisters." The natural outcome will be that many brothers will be left alone.
The new bride, frustrated by her groom's indifference, could not contain herself anymore. "Listen," she said, "if you are gonna keep on reading these newspapers, I am going downtown to get myself a man."
"Far out!" he said. "Would you get me one too?"
A homo and a hetero went into the desert.
"Ah," said the horny hetero, "even if there was a fly here, I could screw it."
"Z-z-z-z," replied the homo.
In a bar two homosexuals are drinking their martinis with chips and olives. Suddenly one of them pricks his lip with the toothpick. At the sight of the blood he exclaims, "Ah, my, I have got my period."
A little bit perverted, but so what. Nothing to be worried, Ramo. Accept it. My fundamental principle is acceptance -- tathata. Whatsoever is the situation, you accept it. From there things can begin. Don't reject it. It is out of rejection that the problem has arisen, so only with acceptance... Relax into it and you will be surprised. If you can accept it without any guilt, slowly slowly your homosexuality will turn into heterosexuality again. Why? -- because guilt is also a religious phenomenon, and homosexuality too.
They are joined together, they are tied together. If you go on feeling guilty, you will remain homosexual. Drop the guilt, accept it. Nothing is wrong, just you are carrying the whole ugly past of humanity. What can you do? You have come a little late, people have preceded before. They have dirtied the whole beach. So we have to clean it.
But what is the point of crying and weeping and feeling guilty? There is no need to waste energies in that. Accept it with no guilt at all. And with the disappearance of the guilt you will be surprised: if you are a Christian your Christianity disappears; if you are a Jew your Judaism disappears; if you are a Hindu your Hinduism disappears. This is really a miracle: when the guilt is dropped your religions disappear. And when religions disappear you become a far more natural being. You can start seeing things clearly. In fact, what you are seeking into the other man, you cannot find in him. There will be frustration. What the other man is trying to find in you, he cannot find in you; there will be frustration.
Friendship is possible, but love is not possible, and friendship and love are different dimensions. Friendship has its own beauty. Love needs polar opposites, only then there is attraction, only then there is tension enough. Love needs a subtle dialectics, it is a process of dialectics. The man and woman relationship is a dialectical process full of hazards, adventures, fights. It is a kind of intimate enmity. In the morning the fight, in the evening the love, in the morning again the fight, and it goes on moving from one polarity to the other.
But this is how it keeps itself alive. It is Hegelian dialectics: thesis, antithesis, synthesis, and again synthesis becomes the thesis. Just the other night you had reached to a treaty, a peaceful state, and in the morning it disappears. And you were thinking, "Now, things are going smooth." But from the same point, in the morning the argument starts, and by the evening the same point leads you to lovemaking.
In fact, unless you fight before, you will not be able to make love really, tremendously. A good fight before making love gives you zest, gusto -- just a good fight and you become hot; otherwise, civilized people have become cool. Just a good fight -- shouting, throwing things, exchange of pillows, and then relaxing into each other in the warmth of each other. The fight creates the distance. The farther away you are -- it is a kind of mini-divorce, then comes a mini-honeymoon.
It can't happen in a homosexual relationship. That's why homosexuals are called gay; there is no dialectics, they are always smiling. But their smile seems to be shallow; it cannot be very deep. They are smiling because there is not any possibility of tears, and they understand each other. They are both men or both women, so they understand each other. With understanding there is no fight. A man and woman never understand each other, they cannot. If they understand, immediately all is finished, they both have become Buddhas.
OSHO, Why do I hate Homosexuals?
Sargam, DEEP DOWN YOU MUST BE A HOMOSEXUAL, otherwise why should you hate them? Hate is love upside-down, hate is love doing SIRSHASAN -- headstand. Hate knows yoga postures. And do you think you are a different person just by standing on your head? Many fools think that way: standing on their heads they think they are yogis; otherwise they were just ordinary people.
Now, standing on their heads they are special people; distorting their bodies they think they are coming closer to God. They may be useful in a circus, but it has nothing to do with spirituality -- otherwise the people in circuses would be the most enlightened people in the world. You have seen girls in circuses doing such postures -- almost unbelievable, as if they are not made of blood and bone and flesh but of rubber. Do you think they become enlightened?
Hate is a trick: you hate because you want to repress. And hate is not good, because it does not harm the other, it simply harms you. There are millions of people who hate homosexuals. That simply means millions of people have the capacity of becoming homosexuals if the opportunity is given to them. They have a deep longing for the forbidden fruit. Just to keep themselves in control, they create a great wall of hatred.
Sargam, that may be the case; or it may be a simple, ordinary phenomenon of life that we don't like people who are not like us. People who are unlike us we hate. Why? -- because they create suspicion in us. Hindus hate Mohammedans -- not that there is anything specific to hate in Mohammedans. Mohammedans hate Hindus -- not that there is anything special in Hindus which has to be hated. But whosoever is not like us has to be hated because he is a stranger, an outsider, and the outsider creates fear. And who knows? -- maybe he is right. To protect yourself from this doubt you create a safety measure; that hate functions as safety, a shelter. It is not a question of homosexuality. If you don't dress like other people, as they dress, they hate you, they don't like you.
Now my sannyasins are in great trouble all over the world. Just a few days ago many letters have come that in Australia, the school, college, university authorities are very much disturbed by my orange-people, because many teachers, many professors, have become sannyasins. And a problem is being created by the parents and their leagues. The problem is being created that these orange people and their presence may corrupt their children, so the parents are against them. The Catholic priest comes in his robe; he is accepted, he does not corrupt. But my sannyasins, just because they are coming in orange robes, can be a dangerous influence.
Anybody who is not behaving like you, not living like you, is hated. This is your experience in Poona too. The people are not really in any way HARMED by you -- my sannyasins are the most harmless people you can find anywhere -- but people are against you just because you look different.
The homosexual has a very different lifestyle, and you are heterosexual. He belongs to another religion, he has another politics, he is not a man like you. The moment somebody says that he is gay, a gap arises, a great gap. Now how can you communicate?
But all these fears have to be dropped; these are all defense measures. They simply show that you are not yet settled in your being -- afraid any outside influence may take you away, off your ground.
A little Hollywood fruit was following a husky, good-looking man down the street murmuring, "My, what a pretty man!" Unable to resist temptation, he went up and felt his ass. The man swung round. "What the hell is coming off here? Beat it, will you?"
Sadly the queer retired, but kept following, and unable to control himself, felt his ass again.
"I thought I told you to beat it," the man snarled.
A third time, however, the queer could not resist, and lovingly felt the attractive can. The man swung round and knocked him to the ground.
The injured fruit looked up at the big brute and said sarcastically, "Tourist!"
It is not only that YOU hate the homosexual, the homosexual also hates the Heterosexual; he also thinks that he does not belong to him. We have created unnecessary labels. We have put labels on every man, and not one label -- a thousand and one labels on every man. Remove all the labels! Man is simply man -- homosexual, heterosexual, autosexual, doesn't matter -- man is simply man.
Respect man, love man. Respect his individuality, respect his differences. And that is possible only if you respect your individuality. That is possible only if you are grounded in your own being and you are unafraid. I would like a world utterly fearless, where all labels can be removed.
Once it happened: I entered an air-conditioned train compartment in Bombay. The only passenger in my cabin immediately fell on the floor and touched my feet -- -a traditional Hindu SASHTANG when your whole body touches the floor. I told him, "Wait, wait! I am not a Hindu! But he had already touched my feet. He was shaken; he said, "Then who are you?" I told him, "Can't you see my beard? I am a Mohammedan! "
He said, "My God! And I have touched your feet! Why didn't you say so before?"
I said, "But you didn't give me any time. The moment I entered you jumped in such a hurry. Excuse me, but I am a Mohammedan. You can go to the Ganges and take a dip and you will be purified."
But now the thing was that we had to live in the same compartment for twenty-four hours. And he was very much worried about what he had done -- such a sin, never heard of before. And he said, "Do you know? I am the highest brahmin caste, and I thought that you were a mahatma."
I said, "Just a little difference between a mahatma and a Mohammed. My name is Mohammed."
But he would look at me again and again -- pretending to read his newspaper but he would look again and again. He was making sure -- I didn't look like a Mohammedan. Finally he said, "You are joking! You don't look like a Mohammedan."
I said, "So you have got it!"
He jumped again, touched my feet, and said, "I was watching you -- you don't look like a Mohammedan. The very vibe is that of the purest saint."
I said, "If it satisfies you, perfectly good, but if you ask MY opinion, now you will have to take two dips! In fact, I AM a Mohammedan! I was just trying to help you, to console you; I was not hoping that you would touch my feet again."
The man was angry. He called the conductor immediately and he said, "Change my compartment! I cannot sleep in this compartment -- twenty-four hours with this man will be a torture, a hell. I don't know what kind of man he is. Sometimes he says he is Hindu, sometimes he says he is Mohammedan."
I told him, "The fact is, I am simply crazy"
He said, "That's right! So you are not Mohammedan? It is better to be crazy than to be a Mohammedan. Just crazy but Hindu?"
I said, "Of course! I am a Hindu of the highest brahmin caste, but a little crazy. Once in a while this idea comes to me that I am Mohammed -- but I am not! "
A third time he touched my feet!
People live by labels.... Drop all labels from your being and drop labels from others' beings. Look at people as they are, don't bring labels. Then we will have a better humanity, a more human humanity.
Now, standing on their heads they are special people; distorting their bodies they think they are coming closer to God. They may be useful in a circus, but it has nothing to do with spirituality -- otherwise the people in circuses would be the most enlightened people in the world. You have seen girls in circuses doing such postures -- almost unbelievable, as if they are not made of blood and bone and flesh but of rubber. Do you think they become enlightened?
Hate is a trick: you hate because you want to repress. And hate is not good, because it does not harm the other, it simply harms you. There are millions of people who hate homosexuals. That simply means millions of people have the capacity of becoming homosexuals if the opportunity is given to them. They have a deep longing for the forbidden fruit. Just to keep themselves in control, they create a great wall of hatred.
Sargam, that may be the case; or it may be a simple, ordinary phenomenon of life that we don't like people who are not like us. People who are unlike us we hate. Why? -- because they create suspicion in us. Hindus hate Mohammedans -- not that there is anything specific to hate in Mohammedans. Mohammedans hate Hindus -- not that there is anything special in Hindus which has to be hated. But whosoever is not like us has to be hated because he is a stranger, an outsider, and the outsider creates fear. And who knows? -- maybe he is right. To protect yourself from this doubt you create a safety measure; that hate functions as safety, a shelter. It is not a question of homosexuality. If you don't dress like other people, as they dress, they hate you, they don't like you.
Now my sannyasins are in great trouble all over the world. Just a few days ago many letters have come that in Australia, the school, college, university authorities are very much disturbed by my orange-people, because many teachers, many professors, have become sannyasins. And a problem is being created by the parents and their leagues. The problem is being created that these orange people and their presence may corrupt their children, so the parents are against them. The Catholic priest comes in his robe; he is accepted, he does not corrupt. But my sannyasins, just because they are coming in orange robes, can be a dangerous influence.
Anybody who is not behaving like you, not living like you, is hated. This is your experience in Poona too. The people are not really in any way HARMED by you -- my sannyasins are the most harmless people you can find anywhere -- but people are against you just because you look different.
The homosexual has a very different lifestyle, and you are heterosexual. He belongs to another religion, he has another politics, he is not a man like you. The moment somebody says that he is gay, a gap arises, a great gap. Now how can you communicate?
But all these fears have to be dropped; these are all defense measures. They simply show that you are not yet settled in your being -- afraid any outside influence may take you away, off your ground.
A little Hollywood fruit was following a husky, good-looking man down the street murmuring, "My, what a pretty man!" Unable to resist temptation, he went up and felt his ass. The man swung round. "What the hell is coming off here? Beat it, will you?"
Sadly the queer retired, but kept following, and unable to control himself, felt his ass again.
"I thought I told you to beat it," the man snarled.
A third time, however, the queer could not resist, and lovingly felt the attractive can. The man swung round and knocked him to the ground.
The injured fruit looked up at the big brute and said sarcastically, "Tourist!"
It is not only that YOU hate the homosexual, the homosexual also hates the Heterosexual; he also thinks that he does not belong to him. We have created unnecessary labels. We have put labels on every man, and not one label -- a thousand and one labels on every man. Remove all the labels! Man is simply man -- homosexual, heterosexual, autosexual, doesn't matter -- man is simply man.
Respect man, love man. Respect his individuality, respect his differences. And that is possible only if you respect your individuality. That is possible only if you are grounded in your own being and you are unafraid. I would like a world utterly fearless, where all labels can be removed.
Once it happened: I entered an air-conditioned train compartment in Bombay. The only passenger in my cabin immediately fell on the floor and touched my feet -- -a traditional Hindu SASHTANG when your whole body touches the floor. I told him, "Wait, wait! I am not a Hindu! But he had already touched my feet. He was shaken; he said, "Then who are you?" I told him, "Can't you see my beard? I am a Mohammedan! "
He said, "My God! And I have touched your feet! Why didn't you say so before?"
I said, "But you didn't give me any time. The moment I entered you jumped in such a hurry. Excuse me, but I am a Mohammedan. You can go to the Ganges and take a dip and you will be purified."
But now the thing was that we had to live in the same compartment for twenty-four hours. And he was very much worried about what he had done -- such a sin, never heard of before. And he said, "Do you know? I am the highest brahmin caste, and I thought that you were a mahatma."
I said, "Just a little difference between a mahatma and a Mohammed. My name is Mohammed."
But he would look at me again and again -- pretending to read his newspaper but he would look again and again. He was making sure -- I didn't look like a Mohammedan. Finally he said, "You are joking! You don't look like a Mohammedan."
I said, "So you have got it!"
He jumped again, touched my feet, and said, "I was watching you -- you don't look like a Mohammedan. The very vibe is that of the purest saint."
I said, "If it satisfies you, perfectly good, but if you ask MY opinion, now you will have to take two dips! In fact, I AM a Mohammedan! I was just trying to help you, to console you; I was not hoping that you would touch my feet again."
The man was angry. He called the conductor immediately and he said, "Change my compartment! I cannot sleep in this compartment -- twenty-four hours with this man will be a torture, a hell. I don't know what kind of man he is. Sometimes he says he is Hindu, sometimes he says he is Mohammedan."
I told him, "The fact is, I am simply crazy"
He said, "That's right! So you are not Mohammedan? It is better to be crazy than to be a Mohammedan. Just crazy but Hindu?"
I said, "Of course! I am a Hindu of the highest brahmin caste, but a little crazy. Once in a while this idea comes to me that I am Mohammed -- but I am not! "
A third time he touched my feet!
People live by labels.... Drop all labels from your being and drop labels from others' beings. Look at people as they are, don't bring labels. Then we will have a better humanity, a more human humanity.
When two Women or two Men are making love to each other. Does it do any harm to their energies?
Love is always preferable to lovelessness — that is the first thing to be remembered. Love in any kind and any form is more preferable than lovelessness. That is a basic assumption with me. But there are three planes of love. They have to be understood.
The first is auto, the second is homo, the third is hetero. One can be very narcissistic; narcissism is masturbatory. It has many dimensions to it. That is the first kind of love, the most primitive. Every child passes through that state of being narcissistic — he loves only himself, he is his own world. It is good as far as it goes. One has to love oneself; that should be the foundation. If you don’t love yourself you cannot love anybody else. If you can’t even love yourself, how can you love anybody else?
So the foundation is auto-erotic. Each child has to love himself, and parents down the centuries have been preventing it. That’s wrong. Children should be allowed to have fun; nothing is wrong in it. In fact, they are learning the first basic lesson of love — and they can love only themselves. Their consciousness is not so developed that they can bridge with anybody else. They have a small circle of energy; it moves within themselves.
So the first is auto; that is natural. It has been disturbed, it has been disturbed so much that the disturbance persists the whole life. Then other kinds and other planes of love are never as perfect as they could have been. It is only in this century that psychological investigations have proved that auto-love is perfectly natural, normal, and each normal child will be interested in it and he is not to be prevented.
Each child has to play with his own body so that he starts loving his body, so that he becomes sensuous about his body, so that he becomes more and more sensitive about his body, so that he has sheer joy in being in the body. That joy is missing.
If you have not loved your own body ever, then when somebody else loves your body you will shrink because you don’t know how to open. And if you have never loved your body and you have been taught to hate it, despise it, condemn it, when somebody else starts loving your body you will feel, ‘How foolish. How is it possible? How can anybody love MY body?’ And you will not be able to love somebody else’s body either, because bodies are bodies — yours or others, does not make any difference. Body is body.
First the body has to be loved, in deep reverence. In a more enlightened age, children will be taught how to love their body with respect, reverence, because the body is the temple of God. And from there their love will start flowering and will take a right direction.
The second kind of love is homo. That too is normal, natural. First the child loves himself, and then, naturally, he loves somebody who is like himself — that is a natural growth. A boy cannot suddenly love a girl, that is going too far. The girl is so different, another kind of animal. The girl cannot love the boy immediately, a bridge is needed. To move from oneself to the opposite polarity one has to go through somebody like oneself. So from the masturbatory stage love moves to the homosexual stage. The boy will love a boy, the girl will love a girl. This is perfectly natural; there is nothing of pathology in it.
Pathology comes in only when somebody is stuck. If somebody is stuck at the first stage and is not able to love anybody, then there is some pathology. Then somebody can be stuck at the second stage — the second stage is better than the first but lower than the third. One should take the jump and the man should be able to love the woman, and the woman should be able to love the man. That is the hetero stage — the polar opposite. This is the natural course.
And then there is the fourth kind — the transcendence.. When you have passed all these three stages naturally, totally, a moment comes when you transcend sexuality. You are no more interested in sex — sex as such — your body, somebody else’s body . Men’s or women’s bodies don’t interest you. Not that you have any condemnation about the body; in fact, bodies disappear — there are only souls. The body is just the outermost core of it. It is a great shift in your consciousness. That is the fourth stage, the stage of the SIDDHA. In India we have called the fourth stage BRAHMACHARYA — the state of being divine.
But that comes not by denying the third, not by denying the second, not by denying the first. It comes only if you go on fulfilling each plane in its own right.
Now there are a few things to be understood. The hetero relationship is the most difficult relationship, the most inconvenient, conflicting, because two opposite polarities are there — man and woman. They exist differently, hence they are attracted to each other… because they are so different, so mysterious to each other.
Man has never been able to understand how the mind of the woman functions, and so is the case from the woman’s side too. They are such different dimensions, hence the attraction to explore each other. But the difficulty is also there. Men and women love each other and hate each other; are together and are continuously nagging, fighting, struggling. There is a constant effort to dominate the other.
So the hetero relationship is the most inconvenient, although the most fulfilling too. So there is a danger, but there is a thrill. The danger is that there will be conflict, continuous fight. But only through that fight is one fulfilled, and only through that fight does one transcend sex.
The second stage — homo — is far better as far as convenience is concerned. Two men or two women are perfectly at ease with each other; they belong to the same mind, the same quality of energy; they are similar. The homosexual relationship is less troublesome. That’s why homosexuals look gay and heterosexuals look very sad. They are happy people because they are not in a constant fight and struggle and nagging. They understand each other. Lesbians are also happier women — because there is no problem, they function on the same wavelength, so things fit together, there is a rhythm, a kind of harmony. But fulfilment is also less.
Always remember: for the higher you have to pay higher. If you want deep fulfilment you have to take the trouble and you have to stake your life. It is risky.
Because of too much risk, many people have turned homosexual in the world — this world, this century, particularly. People have become alert about heterosexual relationship as being ugly. Continuous fight — who bothers? The whole life is so troubled. One wants to be happy somewhere at least. And even in love there is the same trouble and the same conflict and the same ego struggle. People are turning towards homosexuality. That is relapsing back. It is not good.
The first, the auto-sexual relationship, the relationship with yourself, masturbatory sex, is the most convenient, but there is no fulfilment. With the first there is no inconvenience but no fulfilment — at the most a sexual release. With the second there is a little trouble and a little fulfilment. With the third there is great possibility of both — trouble and fulfilment. They grow in the same proportion. And one should be alert to move from the first to the second, and from the second to the third. Then only can you move to the fourth, BRAHMACHARYA, celibacy.
Now, all over the world religious people have tried for celibacy, but they have not tried it in a scientific way. Somebody simply jumps into celibacy from his childhood. Then your so-called monks remain masturbatory. It is a suspicion of the psychoanalysts — and I think they are right — that the Buddhist monks, the Catholic monks, and all kinds of monks and nuns become masturbatory. Or, the second possibility is that they will turn to homosexuality. Because monks are not allowed to mix with nuns and nuns are not allowed to mix with monks, there is every possibility that they will turn homosexual. That’s what happens in schools, colleges, hostels, in the army, wherever there is only one sex available — people tend to become homosexual. Army people are homosexual.
If you want to avoid homosexuality in the world the army should not be monosexual — there should be women and men together. And the hostels should be for both together, not separate. Then homosexuality will disappear.
Homosexuality has a function to fulfil in the growing child. Somewhere from the first year to the seventh the child remains masturbatory. From the seventh year to the fourteenth the child turns homosexual. From the fourteenth onwards he should, if things go naturally, in a natural way, turn heterosexual. And by the age of forty-two he will start being a celibate. And that celibacy will be a natural, spontaneous phenomenon, not a repression.
You ask: WHEN TWO WOMEN OR TWO MEN ARE MAKING LOVE TO EACH OTHER, DOES IT DO ANY HARM TO THEIR ENERGIES? It does not do any harm but it does not do any benefit either. It is not harmful and it is not beneficial. Masturbation is harmful — beyond a certain stage it is harmful, it is destructive. A masturbatory person loses all contact with the world, he becomes unrelated, he becomes very egoistic because he feels he is enough for himself. there is no need to depend on anybody, not even for love. It is harmful.
Homosexuality is neither harmful nor beneficial. Heterosexuality is very beneficial.
I would like to tell you one anecdote.
‘There are those in this congregation,’ shouted the revivalist, ‘who have committed the unutterable sin of he-ing and she-ing. Stand up and repent!’ Three quarters of the congregation stood up.
‘And those who have committed the double sin of sins: he ing and he-ing. Stand up!’ The rest of the men got up.
‘And I positively know that there are those who have committed that triplest of triple sins: she-ing and she-ing!’ The remaining women all rose, sobbing hysterically. No one was left sitting but one old man.
‘Elder,’ he muttered, ‘how do you stand on me-ing and me-ing?’
These are the four possibilities, in fact, three possibilities of your sexual energy. Either, auto — but auto becomes closed, you become an island. Or, homo — you make a bridge, but you make a bridge man with man, woman with woman. It is not much of a bridge because both are the same. Not much difference is there. Or, hetero — the real pole, polarity, and the real bridge. And only when you have bridged your sexual energies with the polarity does a new kind of integration arise in you, and that integration can become BRAHMACHARYA, can become celibacy.
Don’t think these are sins! These are natural growth points. The only thing to be remembered is: don’t get stuck anywhere. The goal is BRAHMACHARYA, one has to go beyond sex. It is not that there is something wrong in sex, but that which through sex you will have only glimpses of, can be attained totally when you go beyond. In a sexual love moment, for a single second, time disappears, space disappears. For a single moment ego disappears. For a single moment you are lost into the cosmos. That’s why there is so much joy, so much ecstasy. That’s what orgasm is — the individual is lost into the whole.
But this happens only for a single moment, and not even always. So sex only opens a window and closes it again. You have to go beyond sex. Going beyond sex means going beyond the house, the confinement, going under the sun, going into the open sky. Then that ecstasy is yours, and it is constantly yours. A real saint, one whom I call a saint, is continuously in orgasm — that is my definition of a saint. His ecstasy is a natural phenomenon like breathing.
You may not have ever heard a definition like that, but that’s my definition. Jesus or Buddha or Mohammed are continuously in an orgasm. They don’t need anybody, they don’t need to connect with anybody, they don’t need any kind of sexuality. Their energy is constantly orgasmic because they have disappeared into the whole. The part no more exists, no more claims to be the whole. The part has become the whole, the wave has become the ocean — and that is their orgasm, that is their ecstasy.
Out of this ecstasy great songs have been born — Upanishads, Dhammapada, Jesus’ sayings. They are nothing but ecstatic ejaculations, ecstatic expressions. They have tremendous beauty and poetry.
Remember this. These three stages are normal, there is nothing to be condemned in them, but don’t get stuck anywhere. Always go beyond. You have to go beyond, you have to go beyond all kinds of sexuality. Sex is natural, beautiful, but to get stuck in it is to become dormant. Sex gives you glimpses of God. It makes you aware of God. Then one has to seek God in its purity.
Love is always preferable to lovelessness — that is the first thing to be remembered. Love in any kind and any form is more preferable than lovelessness. That is a basic assumption with me. But there are three planes of love. They have to be understood.
The first is auto, the second is homo, the third is hetero. One can be very narcissistic; narcissism is masturbatory. It has many dimensions to it. That is the first kind of love, the most primitive. Every child passes through that state of being narcissistic — he loves only himself, he is his own world. It is good as far as it goes. One has to love oneself; that should be the foundation. If you don’t love yourself you cannot love anybody else. If you can’t even love yourself, how can you love anybody else?
So the foundation is auto-erotic. Each child has to love himself, and parents down the centuries have been preventing it. That’s wrong. Children should be allowed to have fun; nothing is wrong in it. In fact, they are learning the first basic lesson of love — and they can love only themselves. Their consciousness is not so developed that they can bridge with anybody else. They have a small circle of energy; it moves within themselves.
So the first is auto; that is natural. It has been disturbed, it has been disturbed so much that the disturbance persists the whole life. Then other kinds and other planes of love are never as perfect as they could have been. It is only in this century that psychological investigations have proved that auto-love is perfectly natural, normal, and each normal child will be interested in it and he is not to be prevented.
Each child has to play with his own body so that he starts loving his body, so that he becomes sensuous about his body, so that he becomes more and more sensitive about his body, so that he has sheer joy in being in the body. That joy is missing.
If you have not loved your own body ever, then when somebody else loves your body you will shrink because you don’t know how to open. And if you have never loved your body and you have been taught to hate it, despise it, condemn it, when somebody else starts loving your body you will feel, ‘How foolish. How is it possible? How can anybody love MY body?’ And you will not be able to love somebody else’s body either, because bodies are bodies — yours or others, does not make any difference. Body is body.
First the body has to be loved, in deep reverence. In a more enlightened age, children will be taught how to love their body with respect, reverence, because the body is the temple of God. And from there their love will start flowering and will take a right direction.
The second kind of love is homo. That too is normal, natural. First the child loves himself, and then, naturally, he loves somebody who is like himself — that is a natural growth. A boy cannot suddenly love a girl, that is going too far. The girl is so different, another kind of animal. The girl cannot love the boy immediately, a bridge is needed. To move from oneself to the opposite polarity one has to go through somebody like oneself. So from the masturbatory stage love moves to the homosexual stage. The boy will love a boy, the girl will love a girl. This is perfectly natural; there is nothing of pathology in it.
Pathology comes in only when somebody is stuck. If somebody is stuck at the first stage and is not able to love anybody, then there is some pathology. Then somebody can be stuck at the second stage — the second stage is better than the first but lower than the third. One should take the jump and the man should be able to love the woman, and the woman should be able to love the man. That is the hetero stage — the polar opposite. This is the natural course.
And then there is the fourth kind — the transcendence.. When you have passed all these three stages naturally, totally, a moment comes when you transcend sexuality. You are no more interested in sex — sex as such — your body, somebody else’s body . Men’s or women’s bodies don’t interest you. Not that you have any condemnation about the body; in fact, bodies disappear — there are only souls. The body is just the outermost core of it. It is a great shift in your consciousness. That is the fourth stage, the stage of the SIDDHA. In India we have called the fourth stage BRAHMACHARYA — the state of being divine.
But that comes not by denying the third, not by denying the second, not by denying the first. It comes only if you go on fulfilling each plane in its own right.
Now there are a few things to be understood. The hetero relationship is the most difficult relationship, the most inconvenient, conflicting, because two opposite polarities are there — man and woman. They exist differently, hence they are attracted to each other… because they are so different, so mysterious to each other.
Man has never been able to understand how the mind of the woman functions, and so is the case from the woman’s side too. They are such different dimensions, hence the attraction to explore each other. But the difficulty is also there. Men and women love each other and hate each other; are together and are continuously nagging, fighting, struggling. There is a constant effort to dominate the other.
So the hetero relationship is the most inconvenient, although the most fulfilling too. So there is a danger, but there is a thrill. The danger is that there will be conflict, continuous fight. But only through that fight is one fulfilled, and only through that fight does one transcend sex.
The second stage — homo — is far better as far as convenience is concerned. Two men or two women are perfectly at ease with each other; they belong to the same mind, the same quality of energy; they are similar. The homosexual relationship is less troublesome. That’s why homosexuals look gay and heterosexuals look very sad. They are happy people because they are not in a constant fight and struggle and nagging. They understand each other. Lesbians are also happier women — because there is no problem, they function on the same wavelength, so things fit together, there is a rhythm, a kind of harmony. But fulfilment is also less.
Always remember: for the higher you have to pay higher. If you want deep fulfilment you have to take the trouble and you have to stake your life. It is risky.
Because of too much risk, many people have turned homosexual in the world — this world, this century, particularly. People have become alert about heterosexual relationship as being ugly. Continuous fight — who bothers? The whole life is so troubled. One wants to be happy somewhere at least. And even in love there is the same trouble and the same conflict and the same ego struggle. People are turning towards homosexuality. That is relapsing back. It is not good.
The first, the auto-sexual relationship, the relationship with yourself, masturbatory sex, is the most convenient, but there is no fulfilment. With the first there is no inconvenience but no fulfilment — at the most a sexual release. With the second there is a little trouble and a little fulfilment. With the third there is great possibility of both — trouble and fulfilment. They grow in the same proportion. And one should be alert to move from the first to the second, and from the second to the third. Then only can you move to the fourth, BRAHMACHARYA, celibacy.
Now, all over the world religious people have tried for celibacy, but they have not tried it in a scientific way. Somebody simply jumps into celibacy from his childhood. Then your so-called monks remain masturbatory. It is a suspicion of the psychoanalysts — and I think they are right — that the Buddhist monks, the Catholic monks, and all kinds of monks and nuns become masturbatory. Or, the second possibility is that they will turn to homosexuality. Because monks are not allowed to mix with nuns and nuns are not allowed to mix with monks, there is every possibility that they will turn homosexual. That’s what happens in schools, colleges, hostels, in the army, wherever there is only one sex available — people tend to become homosexual. Army people are homosexual.
If you want to avoid homosexuality in the world the army should not be monosexual — there should be women and men together. And the hostels should be for both together, not separate. Then homosexuality will disappear.
Homosexuality has a function to fulfil in the growing child. Somewhere from the first year to the seventh the child remains masturbatory. From the seventh year to the fourteenth the child turns homosexual. From the fourteenth onwards he should, if things go naturally, in a natural way, turn heterosexual. And by the age of forty-two he will start being a celibate. And that celibacy will be a natural, spontaneous phenomenon, not a repression.
You ask: WHEN TWO WOMEN OR TWO MEN ARE MAKING LOVE TO EACH OTHER, DOES IT DO ANY HARM TO THEIR ENERGIES? It does not do any harm but it does not do any benefit either. It is not harmful and it is not beneficial. Masturbation is harmful — beyond a certain stage it is harmful, it is destructive. A masturbatory person loses all contact with the world, he becomes unrelated, he becomes very egoistic because he feels he is enough for himself. there is no need to depend on anybody, not even for love. It is harmful.
Homosexuality is neither harmful nor beneficial. Heterosexuality is very beneficial.
I would like to tell you one anecdote.
‘There are those in this congregation,’ shouted the revivalist, ‘who have committed the unutterable sin of he-ing and she-ing. Stand up and repent!’ Three quarters of the congregation stood up.
‘And those who have committed the double sin of sins: he ing and he-ing. Stand up!’ The rest of the men got up.
‘And I positively know that there are those who have committed that triplest of triple sins: she-ing and she-ing!’ The remaining women all rose, sobbing hysterically. No one was left sitting but one old man.
‘Elder,’ he muttered, ‘how do you stand on me-ing and me-ing?’
These are the four possibilities, in fact, three possibilities of your sexual energy. Either, auto — but auto becomes closed, you become an island. Or, homo — you make a bridge, but you make a bridge man with man, woman with woman. It is not much of a bridge because both are the same. Not much difference is there. Or, hetero — the real pole, polarity, and the real bridge. And only when you have bridged your sexual energies with the polarity does a new kind of integration arise in you, and that integration can become BRAHMACHARYA, can become celibacy.
Don’t think these are sins! These are natural growth points. The only thing to be remembered is: don’t get stuck anywhere. The goal is BRAHMACHARYA, one has to go beyond sex. It is not that there is something wrong in sex, but that which through sex you will have only glimpses of, can be attained totally when you go beyond. In a sexual love moment, for a single second, time disappears, space disappears. For a single moment ego disappears. For a single moment you are lost into the cosmos. That’s why there is so much joy, so much ecstasy. That’s what orgasm is — the individual is lost into the whole.
But this happens only for a single moment, and not even always. So sex only opens a window and closes it again. You have to go beyond sex. Going beyond sex means going beyond the house, the confinement, going under the sun, going into the open sky. Then that ecstasy is yours, and it is constantly yours. A real saint, one whom I call a saint, is continuously in orgasm — that is my definition of a saint. His ecstasy is a natural phenomenon like breathing.
You may not have ever heard a definition like that, but that’s my definition. Jesus or Buddha or Mohammed are continuously in an orgasm. They don’t need anybody, they don’t need to connect with anybody, they don’t need any kind of sexuality. Their energy is constantly orgasmic because they have disappeared into the whole. The part no more exists, no more claims to be the whole. The part has become the whole, the wave has become the ocean — and that is their orgasm, that is their ecstasy.
Out of this ecstasy great songs have been born — Upanishads, Dhammapada, Jesus’ sayings. They are nothing but ecstatic ejaculations, ecstatic expressions. They have tremendous beauty and poetry.
Remember this. These three stages are normal, there is nothing to be condemned in them, but don’t get stuck anywhere. Always go beyond. You have to go beyond, you have to go beyond all kinds of sexuality. Sex is natural, beautiful, but to get stuck in it is to become dormant. Sex gives you glimpses of God. It makes you aware of God. Then one has to seek God in its purity.
Sarjano, perversion means your energy is not going in the natural way; the natural way has been blocked, suppressed, condemned. But the energy is there and collecting, it is bound to find some outlet. That outlet will not be natural. That outlet will be perversion. And the whole past of man is nothing else – from different directions, for different excuses you have been told to cut off your natural paths for energy and expression.
Man is an intelligent being. Even unintelligent animals are bound to find some way. In the wild, no animals turn homosexual; there is no need because there is no priest. But man is so much conditioned against a few things – sex being the main one – that if he lives sex naturally, he feels guilty that he is going against God, against religion. If he prevents his natural expressions, then soon his energies start moving into perverted forms.
Just the other day, I received the information that by the end of this century, there will be one billion people suffering from AIDS. And this is the lowest estimate. I don’t feel the number will be so low. The number, according to me, may be double.
AIDS is the ultimate expression of perverted sexual energy. And the wonder is that you are surrounded with such dangerous things…. AIDS can destroy the whole planet, because we don’t have any medicine and the doctors and the scientists are openly saying that there seems to be no possibility, at least in the near future, to find a medicine. So once you have AIDS, your death is certain within six months to two years, and you cannot do anything except wait.
A disease like AIDS has come through homosexuality. It is the ultimate…. And the perversion is not condemned; on the contrary, in different ways it is supported because every religion believes in brahmacharya, in celibacy. Now those who believe in celibacy are standing in the queue – first they will be homosexuals, lesbians and sooner or later, they will receive the ultimate reward, the Nobel prize – AIDS.
Now religions are responsible for it. But this is what I say, human insanity…. In Texas, they have made a law against homosexuality. Now it is a crime in Texas; you can get five to ten years in jail. Texas is a backward state in America. Even I was surprised that one million homosexuals demonstrated against the legislature and these may not be all the homosexuals in the state of Texas. But one million homosexuals! And they made it clear to the government that by making homosexuality illegal, you cannot prevent it. You have made many things illegal in the past, and what have you prevented? Has theft disappeared? Has murder disappeared? Is rape something of the past?
You cannot stop it with your laws because you have never stopped anything with your laws. You are just befooling the masses, making a law so people feel the government is doing something. But they don’t see that what they are doing, they have been doing for ten thousand years, and things have gone from bad to worse.
When I read about it, I had two ideas: one, that to make homosexuality a crime and not to make celibacy a crime…. Because these homosexuals are products of your religion. Your religion condemns sex so much… your monks, your nuns, you have put them almost in prisons. Now these one million homosexuals in Texas will go underground. Just now, they had their clubs, their discos, their restaurants; they were openly homosexual. Now you have made it a crime. They will go underground. When they were open and known, there was a possibility to check them medically, to help them in some way. If somebody had AIDS already, he could be isolated. Places could be made where only AIDS people would be living, working.
Now, nobody is going to accept that he has AIDS – why should he go for an examination? This is the danger. A single person can spread the disease like wildfire because it not only transferred by sexual contact – that is something more than ordinary sexual diseases – it can be transferred by other means.
Blood transfusion… now you don’t know whose blood is being transfused into you. And if the man whose blood is being transfused into you has AIDS, you will have it. It can be transferred even just by kissing because saliva carries the virus. Now for the first time, the Siberians have been proved right because they have never kissed in their whole history, and they always laughed when they came in contact with Christian missionaries, watching them kissing each other. They could not believe it.
These people have come to teach religion to you and they don’t even know hygiene. Mixing each other’s saliva, playing with each other’s tongues – and these idiots have come to preach religion! In Siberia, they have never kissed. It is a dirty habit… you just think about it. Siberians rub noses with each other – that is pure hygiene. And as far as love is concerned, it can be expressed in many ways…. But repression is going to grow.
In one monastery in Europe, half of the monastery has just declared that they are homosexuals, so the monastery is now divided in two parts. They are fighting amongst themselves – the homosexuals and the non-homosexuals. I am saying non-homosexuals because I cannot say they are celibate. It is almost impossible to be celibate unless something is wrong with your body.
I have heard that Stanley was a very healthy sperm and the whole day he used to do push-ups while all the other sperm were just relaxing. And they were puzzled: ”What is wrong with this Stanley? The whole day, exercises, exercises.”
Finally, one of these lazy people asked Stanley, ”Please tell us what the secret is? Why are you exercising so much? The whole day, from the time you wake up till you go to sleep, you are exercising, doing this, doing that. What is the purpose?”
He said, ”You don’t know? You guys are fools. Only one sperm is going to reach the woman’s egg. And next time when the release comes, I am Stanley, the one who is going to get to the egg. That is the purpose.”
And one day suddenly they started feeling very hot and they all thought the time had come. Before they could have discussed among themselves what to do, they were released so suddenly… but they all saw Stanley far ahead. He was swimming so fast, they could not believe that one could swim so fast and then suddenly, Stanley turned back, screamed loudly, and said, ”Go back, go back! It’s a blow job!” Even poor sperm are laughing at humanity.
If man is allowed to be simply natural, his life can give him immense joy, peace, silence, and finally the truth – but if his energies are perverted, then he goes round and round wasting himself. I have heard about an army officer who had been around the world, posted at different places – and naturally, the monks and the soldiers are in the same boat because you don’t allow soldiers their wives, their girlfriends.
This officer, Major Benson, was in Hong Kong and got into real trouble. He was going to prostitutes all over the world, but he was not aware of Chinese prostitutes. They are the most dangerous. He fell into the trap of a Chinese prostitute and seeing the situation, looking at the naked body of the prostitute, he felt that it was better to have a medical check-up: ”This woman seems to be sick and one does not know what kind of sickness she is carrying.”
So he went to the American section of the city and found a doctor. The doctor examined him and said, ”Nothing can be done. You need an immediate operation; your cock has to be removed.”
The man was shocked. He said, ”My God!”
The doctor said, ”You have so many diseases that in this one life, they cannot be cured.”
He came out dazed. He thought it would be better to have another opinion, so he went to another American doctor.
He checked him thoroughly and said, ”I’m sorry, the first doctor was right. It is too late. Nothing can be done and if you don’t have the operation soon, even an operation may not help; the diseases may have spread all over your body. So don’t waste time. I can do the operation tomorrow.”
He said, ”I will be coming tomorrow,” but he was not satisfied with the idea that he would have to live his whole life without a cock.
Suddenly, he saw a Chinese doctor’s signboard. He thought, ”Perhaps a Chinese doctor might be helpful.”
He went in. The doctor looked. The other doctors had spent hours in checking his whole body, this and that. The Chinese doctor just looked with a magnifying glass and said, ”There is no need for any operation.”
Benson was very happy. He said, ”Really? Is there any hope?”
He said, ”Every hope. First, you went to a Chinese woman – because these diseases you can get only from a Chinese prostitute. The second wrong thing you did was, you went to American doctors who are just after money, money, money – and money means you have to do something. Even if your cock disappears, they are not worried; they need money. An operation means money. You don’t be worried, there is no need of any operation.”
Benson was very happy. He said, ”Thank you!” He gave much money to him and the old man said,
”Whenever there is any trouble, come to me, don’t go to American doctors. They are simply cheating people.”
Just to have a final word from the doctor, he said, ”So now I can go? There is no need?”
He said, ”There is no need, I have told you. Just wait two or three weeks and the pecker will fall off by itself.”
Man is an intelligent being. Even unintelligent animals are bound to find some way. In the wild, no animals turn homosexual; there is no need because there is no priest. But man is so much conditioned against a few things – sex being the main one – that if he lives sex naturally, he feels guilty that he is going against God, against religion. If he prevents his natural expressions, then soon his energies start moving into perverted forms.
Just the other day, I received the information that by the end of this century, there will be one billion people suffering from AIDS. And this is the lowest estimate. I don’t feel the number will be so low. The number, according to me, may be double.
AIDS is the ultimate expression of perverted sexual energy. And the wonder is that you are surrounded with such dangerous things…. AIDS can destroy the whole planet, because we don’t have any medicine and the doctors and the scientists are openly saying that there seems to be no possibility, at least in the near future, to find a medicine. So once you have AIDS, your death is certain within six months to two years, and you cannot do anything except wait.
A disease like AIDS has come through homosexuality. It is the ultimate…. And the perversion is not condemned; on the contrary, in different ways it is supported because every religion believes in brahmacharya, in celibacy. Now those who believe in celibacy are standing in the queue – first they will be homosexuals, lesbians and sooner or later, they will receive the ultimate reward, the Nobel prize – AIDS.
Now religions are responsible for it. But this is what I say, human insanity…. In Texas, they have made a law against homosexuality. Now it is a crime in Texas; you can get five to ten years in jail. Texas is a backward state in America. Even I was surprised that one million homosexuals demonstrated against the legislature and these may not be all the homosexuals in the state of Texas. But one million homosexuals! And they made it clear to the government that by making homosexuality illegal, you cannot prevent it. You have made many things illegal in the past, and what have you prevented? Has theft disappeared? Has murder disappeared? Is rape something of the past?
You cannot stop it with your laws because you have never stopped anything with your laws. You are just befooling the masses, making a law so people feel the government is doing something. But they don’t see that what they are doing, they have been doing for ten thousand years, and things have gone from bad to worse.
When I read about it, I had two ideas: one, that to make homosexuality a crime and not to make celibacy a crime…. Because these homosexuals are products of your religion. Your religion condemns sex so much… your monks, your nuns, you have put them almost in prisons. Now these one million homosexuals in Texas will go underground. Just now, they had their clubs, their discos, their restaurants; they were openly homosexual. Now you have made it a crime. They will go underground. When they were open and known, there was a possibility to check them medically, to help them in some way. If somebody had AIDS already, he could be isolated. Places could be made where only AIDS people would be living, working.
Now, nobody is going to accept that he has AIDS – why should he go for an examination? This is the danger. A single person can spread the disease like wildfire because it not only transferred by sexual contact – that is something more than ordinary sexual diseases – it can be transferred by other means.
Blood transfusion… now you don’t know whose blood is being transfused into you. And if the man whose blood is being transfused into you has AIDS, you will have it. It can be transferred even just by kissing because saliva carries the virus. Now for the first time, the Siberians have been proved right because they have never kissed in their whole history, and they always laughed when they came in contact with Christian missionaries, watching them kissing each other. They could not believe it.
These people have come to teach religion to you and they don’t even know hygiene. Mixing each other’s saliva, playing with each other’s tongues – and these idiots have come to preach religion! In Siberia, they have never kissed. It is a dirty habit… you just think about it. Siberians rub noses with each other – that is pure hygiene. And as far as love is concerned, it can be expressed in many ways…. But repression is going to grow.
In one monastery in Europe, half of the monastery has just declared that they are homosexuals, so the monastery is now divided in two parts. They are fighting amongst themselves – the homosexuals and the non-homosexuals. I am saying non-homosexuals because I cannot say they are celibate. It is almost impossible to be celibate unless something is wrong with your body.
I have heard that Stanley was a very healthy sperm and the whole day he used to do push-ups while all the other sperm were just relaxing. And they were puzzled: ”What is wrong with this Stanley? The whole day, exercises, exercises.”
Finally, one of these lazy people asked Stanley, ”Please tell us what the secret is? Why are you exercising so much? The whole day, from the time you wake up till you go to sleep, you are exercising, doing this, doing that. What is the purpose?”
He said, ”You don’t know? You guys are fools. Only one sperm is going to reach the woman’s egg. And next time when the release comes, I am Stanley, the one who is going to get to the egg. That is the purpose.”
And one day suddenly they started feeling very hot and they all thought the time had come. Before they could have discussed among themselves what to do, they were released so suddenly… but they all saw Stanley far ahead. He was swimming so fast, they could not believe that one could swim so fast and then suddenly, Stanley turned back, screamed loudly, and said, ”Go back, go back! It’s a blow job!” Even poor sperm are laughing at humanity.
If man is allowed to be simply natural, his life can give him immense joy, peace, silence, and finally the truth – but if his energies are perverted, then he goes round and round wasting himself. I have heard about an army officer who had been around the world, posted at different places – and naturally, the monks and the soldiers are in the same boat because you don’t allow soldiers their wives, their girlfriends.
This officer, Major Benson, was in Hong Kong and got into real trouble. He was going to prostitutes all over the world, but he was not aware of Chinese prostitutes. They are the most dangerous. He fell into the trap of a Chinese prostitute and seeing the situation, looking at the naked body of the prostitute, he felt that it was better to have a medical check-up: ”This woman seems to be sick and one does not know what kind of sickness she is carrying.”
So he went to the American section of the city and found a doctor. The doctor examined him and said, ”Nothing can be done. You need an immediate operation; your cock has to be removed.”
The man was shocked. He said, ”My God!”
The doctor said, ”You have so many diseases that in this one life, they cannot be cured.”
He came out dazed. He thought it would be better to have another opinion, so he went to another American doctor.
He checked him thoroughly and said, ”I’m sorry, the first doctor was right. It is too late. Nothing can be done and if you don’t have the operation soon, even an operation may not help; the diseases may have spread all over your body. So don’t waste time. I can do the operation tomorrow.”
He said, ”I will be coming tomorrow,” but he was not satisfied with the idea that he would have to live his whole life without a cock.
Suddenly, he saw a Chinese doctor’s signboard. He thought, ”Perhaps a Chinese doctor might be helpful.”
He went in. The doctor looked. The other doctors had spent hours in checking his whole body, this and that. The Chinese doctor just looked with a magnifying glass and said, ”There is no need for any operation.”
Benson was very happy. He said, ”Really? Is there any hope?”
He said, ”Every hope. First, you went to a Chinese woman – because these diseases you can get only from a Chinese prostitute. The second wrong thing you did was, you went to American doctors who are just after money, money, money – and money means you have to do something. Even if your cock disappears, they are not worried; they need money. An operation means money. You don’t be worried, there is no need of any operation.”
Benson was very happy. He said, ”Thank you!” He gave much money to him and the old man said,
”Whenever there is any trouble, come to me, don’t go to American doctors. They are simply cheating people.”
Just to have a final word from the doctor, he said, ”So now I can go? There is no need?”
He said, ”There is no need, I have told you. Just wait two or three weeks and the pecker will fall off by itself.”
Dear Osho, today you spoke of homosexuality and let us laugh at the idea of all men walking arm-in-arm through the streets and calling each other 'darling' laughter is good, of course, but sometimes it has an edge of mockery. As a Gay person, I felt put down at that moment. Please will you talk about how gay people or blacks or jews or any other minority may receive and accept such laughter.
Pradipam, You are not the only gay person here. We have many gay guys, and many lesbian ladies too. This is a miniature world -- I have all kinds of people here; my garden contains all kinds of flowerings, all kinds of plants. It is less a garden, more a jungle. And I accept all -- wild plants and all. Everybody is welcome.
Why did only you become disturbed? There are very famous gay guys here. In fact, I never knew, Pradipam, that you were also one of them. Why did you become disturbed? Why has nobody else taken any offence? They have learnt to accept -- because that is my whole teaching! Accept whosoever you are. No condemnation, no judgement, no evaluation. If you are a homosexual, so what?! Enjoy it! God has made you that way. That is his way of expressing himself through you. And there have been great homosexuals -- from Socrates onwards.
If you look at the long history of homosexuals, you will be surprised: they have had better company than the heterosexuals. In fact, great talented poets, painters, musicians, artists -- all had a tendency towards homosexuality. There is something in it, and that something has to be understood -- why artists, painters and poets? Because these are the inventive people -- they are never satisfied with things as they find them; they try to do new things.
Now, heterosexuality is a natural phenomenon; it is simply a given fact. The inventive people start trying new ways to relate; they are imaginative. Just falling in love again and again with a woman or with a man seems to be routine. They would like to try some new experiments. These are the people who have invented homosexuality. They are inventors.
And some have gone even a little further ahead: they have become bisexuals. Now the bisexual thinks the homosexual is a little behind. The bisexual is more fluid -- can adjust with a woman, can adjust with a man. He has far more opportunities of love-making. He will never be starved; he can always find a lover, a beloved.
You must be feeling guilty somehow deep down; that's why you became offended. Otherwise, you would have laughed and enjoyed the joke. And, in fact, I am not responsible for saying those words -- guess who is responsible?... And I don't think you can guess. The Pope!
The Pope went on a journey to the Holy Land. On the last day he went to the Mountain of Calvary and said his prayers. He walked down the hill looking very holy and solemn with his incense-bowl swinging from his hand. A homosexual who had been watching him from a distance came up to the Pope, pulled very gently at his sleeve and said, "Hello, darling, your handbag is on fire."
I got that idea from the Pope. But, Pradipam, please don't be offended -- I am not against anybody. Blacks or Jews or homosexuals -- I am not against anybody. My whole message is one of total acceptance. But I don't invent these jokes: my sannyasins go on sending them to me. So if you have some jokes against heterosexuals, please send them to me. Just whatsoever jokes I receive, I use.
Sometimes a few women have written letters to me saying, "Your jokes are always against women." What can I do? Send me jokes against men! I have no interest in inventing jokes -- people go on sending me them. Send any kind of joke and I will use it.
But this guilty feeling is not good. Deep down you are feeling as if you are doing something wrong -- that's why it hurts. You have a wound inside; you may have covered it, but the wound is there. And if you understand me, uncover the wound. Only when you uncover it can it be healed. Let the sun heal it and the wind heal it. Uncover it!
It is perfectly right, whatsoever you are. It is NOBODY else's business. If two men feel good being together, it is nobody else's business to interfere. No law, no government, no religion, no church, should come in. If they BOTH are happy, it is perfectly their own decision. And we want the world to be happy -- and these two persons are contributing their happiness to the world by being happy together.
If two women feel good being with each other, the world is happier for that, better for that. Don't make them feel guilty unnecessarily. But guilt persists -- because down the ages you have been taught homosexuality is a sin; down the ages you have been taught that this is one of the greatest sins. You may be surprised to know: there have been states in America, just a hundred years ago, where the punishment for homosexuality was sentence for life. And there have been countries where one was beheaded if one was caught in any homosexual relationship. Humanity has been so stupid in the past. And we ALL carry those conditionings deep down in the collective unconscious.
A ventriloquist -- maybe it was Sarvesh -- was driving in the country when he was attracted to a large farm. He asked for and was given a tour. As he was shown through the barn, the ventriloquist thought he would have some fun. He proceeded to make one of the horses talk. The hired hand, wide-eyed with fear, rushed from the barn to the farmer. "Sam," he shouted, "those animals are talking! If that little sheep says anything about me, it is a damned lie!"
That's how guilt comes up. You cannot hide it -- it has its way of manifesting. You condemn your homosexuality -- that's how your question has arisen. Otherwise, you would have laughed, you would have enjoyed it! And unless a man is capable of laughing at himself, he does not know what laughter is and the beauty of laughter. To laugh at others is very simple; it is violent, it is cruel. To laugh at oneself has something spiritual about it. But we go on hiding behind rationalizations.
Now you think the homosexual minority is being offended. One thing you should know: I am neither a heterosexual, nor a homosexual, nor a bisexual -- so I cannot be against this and for that. I belong no more to the world of sex. Sex has no more meaning -- that's why I can accept you all.
Your so-called saints will not be capable of accepting you all, because they belong to the world of sex; they themselves are sexual beings still -- repressed, obsessed, maybe against, but to be against means you are still obsessed. I am neither for nor against, neither for this nor for that. It simply does not matter! It is simply games that people enjoy playing -- it is fun, that's all. It has nothing serious about it. It is childish. Heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, all is childish.
One day I hope you will grow beyond all these. And then a totally different phenomenon happens: in the East we have called it BRAHMACHARYA. The West has no equivalent word for it -- because in the West consciousness has never penetrated to that height. The word 'celibacy' is a poor translation, and with ugly connotations.
'Celibacy' simply means not getting involved in sex; it is a negative word. The celibate may not be beyond sex; he may be simply withholding. BRAHMACHARYA actually means: living like a God. The literal meaning is: living like God. What does it mean? -- living like God. It means sex has simply disappeared: that smoke no more surrounds the flame of your being; your flame of being is smokeless. And when sex has utterly disappeared, the whole energy that is contained in sexuality is released in love, in compassion.
But by feeling offended, you exposed yourself. In a way this is good. Don't feel guilty any more. And it is always good to expose yourself in utter nudity. Don't be afraid, because that is the only way to, know oneself -- to expose oneself.
According to legend, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung once travelled together on a train, and during the journey Jung began to analyse Freud, probing deeper and deeper into the man's psyche in an attempt to pinpoint the origin of his neurosis. Freud was being his evasive self, so when Jung came to within a hairbreadth of Freud's essence, he asked impatiently for Freud to reveal his innermost being, his true, real self.
"I cannot," Freud refused. "To do so would be to give up my authority."
At that, Jung sat back and sighed, "Then you have already lost it."
The real man is always ready to expose himself to the very core, because he is not afraid. Freud saying this, "I cannot expose my real self because to do so would be to give up my authority," is simply saying that he is carrying a pseudo self around himself. He carried it his whole life -- although he was the originator of psychoanalysis he was never psychoanalysed. Many times his disciples approached him and said, "We can psychoanalyse you," but he always refused. He was afraid.
This legend is very symbolic -- he was afraid to expose himself as he was. And the fear was of losing authority. But a REAL man of authority is never afraid of losing it. He CANNOT lose it. There is NO way of losing it. And this is the difference between a man of authority and an authoritative man. The authoritative man has NO real authority; he is a pretender. The man of authority can expose himself absolutely, because his authority is not something imposed from the outside -- it is his very core, his experience, his authenticity. Jung did well when he sat back and said, Then you have already lost it."
It is said, from that day the rift started between Jung and Freud; then it could not be bridged again. And I cannot say that only Jung was responsible for the rift; in fact, basically Freud himself was responsible. Freud was suffering from many kinds of things which can be called neurotic. Still he would not allow himself to be analysed.
My whole work here is to help you to expose yourself in your utter nudity. Whatsoever you are, wherever you are, I am going to seek and search you out and bring you into the light. Sometimes it hurts, it shocks; sometimes you feel angry, offended, but please be patient. This is surgery -- it is bound to be painful.
Pradipam, You are not the only gay person here. We have many gay guys, and many lesbian ladies too. This is a miniature world -- I have all kinds of people here; my garden contains all kinds of flowerings, all kinds of plants. It is less a garden, more a jungle. And I accept all -- wild plants and all. Everybody is welcome.
Why did only you become disturbed? There are very famous gay guys here. In fact, I never knew, Pradipam, that you were also one of them. Why did you become disturbed? Why has nobody else taken any offence? They have learnt to accept -- because that is my whole teaching! Accept whosoever you are. No condemnation, no judgement, no evaluation. If you are a homosexual, so what?! Enjoy it! God has made you that way. That is his way of expressing himself through you. And there have been great homosexuals -- from Socrates onwards.
If you look at the long history of homosexuals, you will be surprised: they have had better company than the heterosexuals. In fact, great talented poets, painters, musicians, artists -- all had a tendency towards homosexuality. There is something in it, and that something has to be understood -- why artists, painters and poets? Because these are the inventive people -- they are never satisfied with things as they find them; they try to do new things.
Now, heterosexuality is a natural phenomenon; it is simply a given fact. The inventive people start trying new ways to relate; they are imaginative. Just falling in love again and again with a woman or with a man seems to be routine. They would like to try some new experiments. These are the people who have invented homosexuality. They are inventors.
And some have gone even a little further ahead: they have become bisexuals. Now the bisexual thinks the homosexual is a little behind. The bisexual is more fluid -- can adjust with a woman, can adjust with a man. He has far more opportunities of love-making. He will never be starved; he can always find a lover, a beloved.
You must be feeling guilty somehow deep down; that's why you became offended. Otherwise, you would have laughed and enjoyed the joke. And, in fact, I am not responsible for saying those words -- guess who is responsible?... And I don't think you can guess. The Pope!
The Pope went on a journey to the Holy Land. On the last day he went to the Mountain of Calvary and said his prayers. He walked down the hill looking very holy and solemn with his incense-bowl swinging from his hand. A homosexual who had been watching him from a distance came up to the Pope, pulled very gently at his sleeve and said, "Hello, darling, your handbag is on fire."
I got that idea from the Pope. But, Pradipam, please don't be offended -- I am not against anybody. Blacks or Jews or homosexuals -- I am not against anybody. My whole message is one of total acceptance. But I don't invent these jokes: my sannyasins go on sending them to me. So if you have some jokes against heterosexuals, please send them to me. Just whatsoever jokes I receive, I use.
Sometimes a few women have written letters to me saying, "Your jokes are always against women." What can I do? Send me jokes against men! I have no interest in inventing jokes -- people go on sending me them. Send any kind of joke and I will use it.
But this guilty feeling is not good. Deep down you are feeling as if you are doing something wrong -- that's why it hurts. You have a wound inside; you may have covered it, but the wound is there. And if you understand me, uncover the wound. Only when you uncover it can it be healed. Let the sun heal it and the wind heal it. Uncover it!
It is perfectly right, whatsoever you are. It is NOBODY else's business. If two men feel good being together, it is nobody else's business to interfere. No law, no government, no religion, no church, should come in. If they BOTH are happy, it is perfectly their own decision. And we want the world to be happy -- and these two persons are contributing their happiness to the world by being happy together.
If two women feel good being with each other, the world is happier for that, better for that. Don't make them feel guilty unnecessarily. But guilt persists -- because down the ages you have been taught homosexuality is a sin; down the ages you have been taught that this is one of the greatest sins. You may be surprised to know: there have been states in America, just a hundred years ago, where the punishment for homosexuality was sentence for life. And there have been countries where one was beheaded if one was caught in any homosexual relationship. Humanity has been so stupid in the past. And we ALL carry those conditionings deep down in the collective unconscious.
A ventriloquist -- maybe it was Sarvesh -- was driving in the country when he was attracted to a large farm. He asked for and was given a tour. As he was shown through the barn, the ventriloquist thought he would have some fun. He proceeded to make one of the horses talk. The hired hand, wide-eyed with fear, rushed from the barn to the farmer. "Sam," he shouted, "those animals are talking! If that little sheep says anything about me, it is a damned lie!"
That's how guilt comes up. You cannot hide it -- it has its way of manifesting. You condemn your homosexuality -- that's how your question has arisen. Otherwise, you would have laughed, you would have enjoyed it! And unless a man is capable of laughing at himself, he does not know what laughter is and the beauty of laughter. To laugh at others is very simple; it is violent, it is cruel. To laugh at oneself has something spiritual about it. But we go on hiding behind rationalizations.
Now you think the homosexual minority is being offended. One thing you should know: I am neither a heterosexual, nor a homosexual, nor a bisexual -- so I cannot be against this and for that. I belong no more to the world of sex. Sex has no more meaning -- that's why I can accept you all.
Your so-called saints will not be capable of accepting you all, because they belong to the world of sex; they themselves are sexual beings still -- repressed, obsessed, maybe against, but to be against means you are still obsessed. I am neither for nor against, neither for this nor for that. It simply does not matter! It is simply games that people enjoy playing -- it is fun, that's all. It has nothing serious about it. It is childish. Heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, all is childish.
One day I hope you will grow beyond all these. And then a totally different phenomenon happens: in the East we have called it BRAHMACHARYA. The West has no equivalent word for it -- because in the West consciousness has never penetrated to that height. The word 'celibacy' is a poor translation, and with ugly connotations.
'Celibacy' simply means not getting involved in sex; it is a negative word. The celibate may not be beyond sex; he may be simply withholding. BRAHMACHARYA actually means: living like a God. The literal meaning is: living like God. What does it mean? -- living like God. It means sex has simply disappeared: that smoke no more surrounds the flame of your being; your flame of being is smokeless. And when sex has utterly disappeared, the whole energy that is contained in sexuality is released in love, in compassion.
But by feeling offended, you exposed yourself. In a way this is good. Don't feel guilty any more. And it is always good to expose yourself in utter nudity. Don't be afraid, because that is the only way to, know oneself -- to expose oneself.
According to legend, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung once travelled together on a train, and during the journey Jung began to analyse Freud, probing deeper and deeper into the man's psyche in an attempt to pinpoint the origin of his neurosis. Freud was being his evasive self, so when Jung came to within a hairbreadth of Freud's essence, he asked impatiently for Freud to reveal his innermost being, his true, real self.
"I cannot," Freud refused. "To do so would be to give up my authority."
At that, Jung sat back and sighed, "Then you have already lost it."
The real man is always ready to expose himself to the very core, because he is not afraid. Freud saying this, "I cannot expose my real self because to do so would be to give up my authority," is simply saying that he is carrying a pseudo self around himself. He carried it his whole life -- although he was the originator of psychoanalysis he was never psychoanalysed. Many times his disciples approached him and said, "We can psychoanalyse you," but he always refused. He was afraid.
This legend is very symbolic -- he was afraid to expose himself as he was. And the fear was of losing authority. But a REAL man of authority is never afraid of losing it. He CANNOT lose it. There is NO way of losing it. And this is the difference between a man of authority and an authoritative man. The authoritative man has NO real authority; he is a pretender. The man of authority can expose himself absolutely, because his authority is not something imposed from the outside -- it is his very core, his experience, his authenticity. Jung did well when he sat back and said, Then you have already lost it."
It is said, from that day the rift started between Jung and Freud; then it could not be bridged again. And I cannot say that only Jung was responsible for the rift; in fact, basically Freud himself was responsible. Freud was suffering from many kinds of things which can be called neurotic. Still he would not allow himself to be analysed.
My whole work here is to help you to expose yourself in your utter nudity. Whatsoever you are, wherever you are, I am going to seek and search you out and bring you into the light. Sometimes it hurts, it shocks; sometimes you feel angry, offended, but please be patient. This is surgery -- it is bound to be painful.
The questioner says: I have a lover...and I have an eating disorder.
Osho asks: The lover is a man?
The questioner answers: Yes.
... that won’t help much. Your Montreal is almost all homosexual, the whole city. That won’t help much, that cannot become the real thing, because both the energies are the same. It cannot give you a deep fulfillment -- at the most it remains masturbatory. A woman is needed. It is as if you are trying to be reborn from a man. I think sooner or later in Montreal people will try that -- to be finished with women completely.
But you are born out of a woman, and deep inside the unconscious you carry an image of a woman, not a man. And unless you find a woman with whom you can be in the same deep love as you were with your mother, into whom you can again enter as you were in the womb of your mother, you will not be fulfilled. You are deceived -- homosexuality will not help. It can give you a certain comfort -- but it is false.
To fit perfectly a man needs a woman, a woman needs a man. They are polar opposites, and that polarity is needed. It is just as if you are trying to create electricity without polar opposites, without positive and negative.
Sex is a deep function of bio-electricity. You are an electrical phenomenon, a woman is an electrical phenomenon. She is negative, you are positive; she is passive, you are active. When the active energy meets with the passive energy in deep communion, there is a fulfillment, there is orgasm. A cosmic experience happens which leaves no emptiness in you, at least for the time being.
But your making love to a man, or a woman making love to a woman, is not going to help. I am not against homosexuality: I am simply stating a fact. I have no condemnation for it, but it will not be fulfilling -- that much I have to say.
...Find a woman. If you cannot find one, tell me.
The questioner answers: I feel very great friendship towards women....I feel love, but I don’t feel like I want to make love.
Osho: You will have to. It has become a habit and you have to get out of it. It has become a dead routine. Make a friendship with a man -- and that you are doing with women. Make love to a woman -- and that you are doing with men. You are topsy-turvy.
The questioner replies: But I was also married....
Osho: You remained homosexual. You have made love to a woman but you were never in it. So try it again, and try here. Just open your eyes and look again. I know how difficult it is, because once homosexuality settles in the mind you are attracted only towards men. Suddenly women don’t exist; they are no longer attractive.
But this is dangerous. Then this food problem will remain with you your whole life -- and this is not the only problem. Others will remain and it will be difficult to solve them. You just have a look. Find a woman, and even if you just feel friendship, bring her to me, because I will have to talk to the woman to force you out of your habit. You will need a very very wise woman to bring you out of your rut. I will make her wise. You just find one! And if you cannot, I will find a woman and force her to seduce you!
But first you try -- because the very effort will be very very good. So from tomorrow morning you start looking. There are many beautiful women around here, don’t be worried. Somebody will take pity!
Once you enter into a relationship, the right relationship in which things flow, your food problem will disappear. It has to disappear; it is not a problem, it is just symptomatic.
Try, and then we will see. Make it a real search, sincerely try to find a woman, mm? Because it is time...if you delay, then every day it will be later and later, and things will become more difficult.
Osho asks: The lover is a man?
The questioner answers: Yes.
... that won’t help much. Your Montreal is almost all homosexual, the whole city. That won’t help much, that cannot become the real thing, because both the energies are the same. It cannot give you a deep fulfillment -- at the most it remains masturbatory. A woman is needed. It is as if you are trying to be reborn from a man. I think sooner or later in Montreal people will try that -- to be finished with women completely.
But you are born out of a woman, and deep inside the unconscious you carry an image of a woman, not a man. And unless you find a woman with whom you can be in the same deep love as you were with your mother, into whom you can again enter as you were in the womb of your mother, you will not be fulfilled. You are deceived -- homosexuality will not help. It can give you a certain comfort -- but it is false.
To fit perfectly a man needs a woman, a woman needs a man. They are polar opposites, and that polarity is needed. It is just as if you are trying to create electricity without polar opposites, without positive and negative.
Sex is a deep function of bio-electricity. You are an electrical phenomenon, a woman is an electrical phenomenon. She is negative, you are positive; she is passive, you are active. When the active energy meets with the passive energy in deep communion, there is a fulfillment, there is orgasm. A cosmic experience happens which leaves no emptiness in you, at least for the time being.
But your making love to a man, or a woman making love to a woman, is not going to help. I am not against homosexuality: I am simply stating a fact. I have no condemnation for it, but it will not be fulfilling -- that much I have to say.
...Find a woman. If you cannot find one, tell me.
The questioner answers: I feel very great friendship towards women....I feel love, but I don’t feel like I want to make love.
Osho: You will have to. It has become a habit and you have to get out of it. It has become a dead routine. Make a friendship with a man -- and that you are doing with women. Make love to a woman -- and that you are doing with men. You are topsy-turvy.
The questioner replies: But I was also married....
Osho: You remained homosexual. You have made love to a woman but you were never in it. So try it again, and try here. Just open your eyes and look again. I know how difficult it is, because once homosexuality settles in the mind you are attracted only towards men. Suddenly women don’t exist; they are no longer attractive.
But this is dangerous. Then this food problem will remain with you your whole life -- and this is not the only problem. Others will remain and it will be difficult to solve them. You just have a look. Find a woman, and even if you just feel friendship, bring her to me, because I will have to talk to the woman to force you out of your habit. You will need a very very wise woman to bring you out of your rut. I will make her wise. You just find one! And if you cannot, I will find a woman and force her to seduce you!
But first you try -- because the very effort will be very very good. So from tomorrow morning you start looking. There are many beautiful women around here, don’t be worried. Somebody will take pity!
Once you enter into a relationship, the right relationship in which things flow, your food problem will disappear. It has to disappear; it is not a problem, it is just symptomatic.
Try, and then we will see. Make it a real search, sincerely try to find a woman, mm? Because it is time...if you delay, then every day it will be later and later, and things will become more difficult.